The YMCA’s philosophy on Youth Sports is for kids to have fun and learn new skills. The purpose of the program is to offer youth the opportunity to enjoy playing under conditions that will foster skillful play, fellowship, team loyalty, and a finer appreciation of the sport. We focus on cooperation and not competition. There are no tryouts for a team and everyone is guaranteed playing time. We teach your child the fundamentals of each sport, and just as important, we focus on the YMCA’s character development traits of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility.
What is Pickleball? Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong using a paddle and plastic ball with holes. It is a game that is appropriate for players of all ages and skill levels. Rules for pickleball are simple, making it a great introductory sport. It can also be quite…
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The YMCA After School Program operates five days per week during the school year from close of school-5:30 P.M. for grades Kindergarten through 6th grade. Activities include homework time, snack, games, art projects, community service projects and more. The Kid Club program takes place at Baker Elementary. The weekly cost for the Kid’s Club Program…
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The YMCA Summer Day Camp operates 5 days a week during summer vacation from 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM for kids going into 1st-8th grades. The program does not operate during the week of July 4th. Refer to the 2024 Summer Camp Parent Handbook. Scholarships for 10%-70% are available to eligible families. Space is limited…
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Pee Wee Basketball is for children ages 4 through Kindergarten. The program runs from the end of October until the middle of December. The basketball program will meet on Saturdays from 9:30-10:30 AM. Basketball Skills is for grades 1-3. The program runs from the end of October until the middle of December. The basketball program…
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2025 Spring Soccer Registration Spring soccer registrations will begin at the end of February. Each team will play 2 games per week starting in mid-April and running through the end of May. The games will be played on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Fall soccer registrations will begin at the end of July. Each team will…
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2024 Flag Football Registration Rookies Grades 1-2, Juniors Grades 3-4. Cost: $48 Y Members; $59 Program Participants. Registration for Y Flag Football begins in early August with the season starting in early September and ending in mid-October. Information regarding registration for Y Flag Football will be posted in the summer.
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(Two Leagues Offered) Minors Ages 3-4, Majors Ages 5-6. Cost $45 Y Members, $56 Program Participants. Registration begins in May. The season runs from June-July. 2024 Tee Ball Registration Form
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There are three sessions offered during the summer. Each session consists of 8 days of classes with each class being 30 minutes long. Classes will be offered at 9:35 a.m. and at 10:05 a.m. There is also a special “Water Babies” class for infants-age 6 months to 3 years where the parent/guardian must be in…
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